Analog Devices | ADI Developer

All Things Open

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All Things Open (ATO) focuses on the tools, processes & people that make open source possible.
DateOctober 28 – 30, 2024
LocationRaleigh, NC

ADI at All Things Open

Open source skills are more crucial and in demand than ever. The All Things Open (ATO) conference is an educational conference where attendees delve into new technologies and emerging topics. Participants leave with valuable new knowledge and insights about the latest developments. Meet ADI's Head of Academic & Developer Relations at ADI, Eric Thiel, on-site and don't miss this session.

Session Details

DevRel Alchemy: Lessons from Crafting a New Developer Program
Monday, October 28th | 2:45-3:00pm
In late 2022, Eric took on an opportunity to use his DevRel experience to create and grow a developer program from the ground up at ADI. Since that move, the tech industry has seen economic turmoil, focused investment from the CHIPS act, and business model changes driven by AI impacting nearly every industry. In this talk, Eric will share some lessons learned through the process, as well as from prior organizations. How can you maintain forward progress through unexpected budgetary and organizational changes? How can you identify force multiplier opportunities within your company? What are some possible early wins when getting started? Attendees will leave with ideas they can apply to their own role and organization.

Meet the Speaker

Eric Thiel | Head of Academic & Developer Relations
Eric is the Head of Academic and Developer Relations at ADI, where he has spent the past two years building a developer program to support the global community of developers working with ADI, as well as deepening partnerships with many universities and partners to make learning more accessible. Prior to joining ADI, Eric led developer experience at Cisco, where he had the opportunity to speak at dozens of developer events around the globe, teaching software skills and bringing community feedback back to product teams to reduce developer friction. Connect with him on social at @EricDThiel and LinkedIn.