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CFS command line utility

CFSUtil is an executable which provides a lot of the functionality within CodeFusion Studio and can be invoked directly from the command line.

Accessing CFSUtil

From the CFS Terminal, access CFSUtil with the cfsutil command.
From Windows command prompt, access CFSUtil with <CFS-Install>/Utils/cfsutil/bin/cfsutil.cmd.
From Linux, access CFSUtil with <CFS-Install>/Utils/cfsutil/bin/cfsutil.


This page refers to cfsutil, but the commands used are the same regardless of method used.


CFSUtil contains a hierarchy of commands and sub-commands, each with their own parameters and help menus.


Passing --help at any level of the hierarchy shows the help information about that component.


cfsutil --help provides top level help context. cfsutil elf --help provides help context for the elf component. cfsutil elf info --help provides help context for the info generation of the elf component.


Provides a series of commands to get information about an ELF file.


cfsutil elf analyze [file] [-j]
Provides high-level information about the ELF file, including the platform, stack/heap sizes and flash/sram sizes.
Use the -j switch to produce output in JSON format.


cfsutil elf info [FILEPATH] [-j] [-h] [-a] [-c] [-s] [-n] [--debug_segments] [--debug_sections] [--debug_cu] [--debug_lt] [--debug_abbrevs] [--debug_syms] [--debug_dies] [--debug_heuristics] [-v]
Provides more in depth information about the ELF file.
The following switches can be used individually or in combination to select the required information.

Switch Information
-a Attributes
-c Core information about the ELF file
-h Header
-s Size

If debug information is available, the following switches are also available.

Switch Information
--debug_abbrevs Contents of .debug_abbrev section
--debug_cu .debug_info for each compilation unit
--debug_dies Debugging Information Entry (DIE) tree
--debug_heuristics Heuristic information
--debug_lt contents of .debug_line section
--debug_sections List of ELF sections
--debug_segments List of ELF segments
--debug_syms List of symbols

Additional options are available to control the output.

Switch Effect
-j Output in JSON format
-n Do not populate database
-v Verbose output


cfsutil elf memory [FILEPATH] [-s] [-t] [-y] [-i <value>] [-n <value>] [-j] [-d]

Provides information on symbols, sections or segments within the ELF file.

Available switches:

Switch Effect
-d Print detailed information
-i Display from sectment/segment with id
-s List of segments
-j Output in JSON format
-n Display from sectment/segment with name
-t List of sections in each segment
-y List the symbols contain in each section


For -t and -y, the sections/symbols to display can be restricted to a segment/section using an id (-i) or a name (-n).
For -y, the segment/symbols can be restricted to a segment/section using a name (-n).


cfsutil elf symbols [FILEPATH] [SQLQUERY] [-j] [-f]

This command allows you to run SQL queries on the symbol table.
This involes queries on a table called symbols with the following fields.

Name Meaning
num Entry number
name Symbol name
type The type associated with the symbol: None, Object, Function or Filename
address The start address of the symbol
section The section containing the symbol
size The size of the symbol
bind The binding type of the symbol: Weak, Local or Global
visibility The visibility of the symbol: Default or Hidden

Any valid SQL construct is supported here, including WHERE, ORDER, LIMIT, LIKE and REGEXP. Some examples of queries are as follows.

Filter Query examples
Specific colums SELECT name,address FROM symbols
Symbols larger than 100 bytes SELECT * FROM symbols WHERE size > 100
Largest symbols SELECT * FROM symbols ORDER BY size DESC LIMIT 10
Symbols between addresses SELECT * from symbols WHERE address BETWEEN 0x10000000 AND 0x20000000

The output can be modified with the following switches.

Switch Effect
-f Print full path (if debug info is available)
-j Output in JSON format


Code is generated from config choices by means of a code generation 'engine'. There are a certain number of engines included out of the box, and users can author and register additional engines on the command-line.

The engines command enables you to interact with the list of available and registered code conversion engines known to cfsutil.


cfsutil engines list [-v] [-f text|json]

Lists the available export engines.

Use the -v switch for additional information on the engines.
Use the -f switch to specify the output format: either text (default) or json.


cfsutil engines info NAME [-f text|json]

Provides information about the named engine.

Use the -f switch to specify the output format: either text (default) or json.


Each SoC supported by CodeFusion Studio is associated with an SoC Data Model.

This data model is a JSON file that contains information on the package, available memory, config settings and register details, and other essential information required to enable the graphical config tools and code generation functionality.

The socs command allows you to interact with the SoC data models known to cfsutil.


cfsutil socs list

Provide a list of available SoC data models.


cfsutil socs export -n <value> [-f json] [--gzip] [-i <value>] [-m] [-o stdio]

Outputs the SoC data model in JSON format for the specified SoC. The -n=<name> switch is required, whilst the rest are optional.

Switch Effect
-n=<name> The name of the SoC.[^1]
-i=<val> The number of spaces for JSON indentation (use `$\'t' for tabs). Default is 2 spaces.
-m Minify the JSON output.
--gzip Compress the output with gzip


It is recommended to pipe the output to a file, especially if compressing the output:
cfsutil socs export -n=max32690-tqfn --gzip > file.gz


cfsutil generate -i <value> [-e <value>] [-o <value>] [-v] [-p] [-f text|json] [--force] [--list] [--file <value>]

Generates source code from a .cfsconfig file. The -i <filename> switch is required, whilst the others are optional. The following switches are available.

Switch Effect
-i=<file> The .cfsconfig file to generate from
-o=<directory> The output directory for generated code
-p Preview. Generate output to the console instead of a file
-f=<format> The format of the preview output (either text or json)
-v Generate verbose output
--force Overwrite existing files
--file=<file> Only generate the specified file
--list List the file(s) that will be generated


A list of SoCs can be generated with cfsutil socs list.