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Debug an application

A default debug configuration is automatically generated with each new project. To manually create or adjust a debug configuration, refer to the Create New Debug Configuration and Modify an Existing Debug Configuration sections below.


Make sure you have a successful build for the core you intend to debug. Each project generates a build directory in the respective project folder. For more information, refer to CFS build task.

Supported microcontrollers

See Supported processors for a full list of supported processors.

If debugging a single Arm core application, continue with these instructions. For debugging multiple cores together, follow the Debugging a multi core application instructions.


Debug configuration settings are automatically selected using your CFS workspace settings. Follow the extension prompts for any undefined settings. Adjust settings manually under the File > Preferences > Settings menu.

When using the CFS: Debug with GDB and OpenOCD (ARM Embedded) configuration, CFS automatically searches for and adds the SVD file from the CMSIS Pack directory. For other parts, the SVD file can be selected manually when prompted.

For more information regarding these settings, refer to CFS Settings.

Activate single debug session

  1. Select the Run and Debug icon on the activity bar.
  2. Select the CFS: Debug with GDB and OpenOCD (ARM Embedded) from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Start Debugging Icon to the left of your selection (green play icon) or press F5.

Launch Debug Session Launch Debug Session


To activate the previously utilized debug configuration, click the CFS:Debug icon on the left status bar.

Create new debug configuration

New debug configurations can be created using the following steps:

  1. Click the Run tab, and select Add Configuration...

  2. Select the appropriate debugger.


    For CMSIS devices (such as Cortex-M based targets), the Cortex Debug debugger is recommended since it supports peripheral registers using SVD files.

  3. Select the debug configuration template matching your target:

    Supported Targets Type
    Cortex-M (CMSIS) CFS: Debug with GDB and OpenOCD (ARM Embedded)
    Cortex-M (CMSIS) CFS: Debug with JlinkGDBServer and JLink (ARM Embedded)
    RISC-V CFS: Debug with GDB and OpenOCD (RISC-V)
  4. Save the launch.json file which now contains the chosen debug configuration.

Modify an existing debug configuration

Use the following steps too modify an existing debug configuration:

  1. Open the .vscode/launch.json file.

  2. Click the Run tab, and select Open Configuration.

  3. Make any necessary edits and save the file.

Open Debug Configuration Open Debug Configuration

Debugging interface

Debugging in VS Code is done using the Run and Debug View, available in the Activity Bar or under View > Open View and selecting Run and Debug.


When connected to a debug session, the Run and Debug view provides a toolbar to control the application execution. This debugging toolbar contains the following debugging actions:

Debugging Session Tool Bar Debugging Session Tool Bar

Name Action
Reset Performs a stop and reload
Pause Suspends execution to allow debugging
Step Over Steps to the next line, stepping over any function calls
Step Into Steps into any callee functions
Step Out Steps out of the current function to the calling function
Restart Resets the PC to reset address without disconnecting or reloading
Stop Terminates execution and closes the debug session


The variables view presents all of the variables visible to the current scope and file of debugging. They are split into different sections for each of use, detailed below. Double clicking on a value allows you to edit the value, right clicking provides a menu of additional options.


Local variables are the variables in the current function scope. Local Variables Local Variables


Global variables are the variables in the global scope, visible to anywhere in the application. Global Variables Global Variables


Static variables are shown for the current file being viewed from the current PC or call stack selection. Static Variables Static Variables


Registers provides a list of all of the core (non-memory-mapped) registers. Register Register


Allows you to set expressions which are evaluated. These can be simple variables or complex statements.


Expressions aren't context aware, so viewing a local variable from another context will fail to evaluate. Expressions can set variable values, which will happen each time the expression is evaluated (on step or pause).

Watch Watch

Call stack

Displays the current call stack, with function name, PC address and source information where known. Selecting a function in the call stack will show the registers and local variables applicable to that function.

Call Stack Call Stack


The breakpoints view allows you to see currently set breakpoints, toggle them on/off, and add new breakpoints. To add a new breakpoint, click on the + icon in the breakpoints view, click in the gutter of the source line, or right click on a source file and select Add inline breakpoint or click SHIFT + F9. Right-click on a breakpoint to view a list of operations that can be performed on the selected breakpoint and all breakpoints in general.

View Breakpoints View Breakpoints

To make a breakpoint conditional; right click on the breakpoint and select Edit breakpoint... then selected Expression from the drop-down and enter your expression in the text field.

View Conditional Breakpoints View Conditional Breakpoints

Peripheral registers

The XPeripherals view provides a nested structure of peripheral registers and user-modifiable bits. Hover over a register or bit to view more information, copy the value to the clipboard or modify the value.


Some bits are reserved and not provided in the list. Care should be taken when writing to an entire register that any reserved bits are not set.


The Memory tab in the toolbar above the terminal shows the working memory. This displays a detailed image of what is currently being stored in memory as the program executes.

View Memory View Memory

Customizing the memory view

To view a specific region of memory, click on the + icon and enter a memory address.

To customize that memory view, click on the pencil icon which will allow you to change the address, display name, width and endianness:

Customize Memory Customize Memory

Disassembly view

  1. Right-click on the main program being executed in the Call Stack view and select Open Disassembly View to view details of the machine-level instructions generated by the source code during a debugging session.


Stepping while this view is in focus performs a single assembly instruction step.

View Disassembly View Disassembly

Serial output


Minicom is a command line utility for serial port communication on Unix platforms.


You will need minicom if not already installed.

  1. Run the following from a terminal:

    $ minicom -D /dev/tty.usbxxx -b 115200

    where /dev/tty.usbxxx matches your serial device.


When using the example "Hello World" program, the output looks like this:

Welcome to minicom 2.9

Compiled on Sep 22 2023, 21:10:41.
Port /dev/tty.usbmodem21302, 10:07:03

Press Meta-Z for help on special keys

Hello World!
count = 0
count = 1
count = 2
count = 3
count = 4
count = 5


PuTTY is an open source SSH and telnet client for Windows.


You will need PuTTY if not already installed.

  1. In the Session category, select Serial as the Connection type.
  2. Set the Serial line to the correct COM port for your device. Use the Windows Device Manager to find your device under Ports (COM & LPT).
  3. Set the Speed (baud rate) to 115200.
  4. Click Open to start the serial terminal.

    PuTTY Configuration


When using the example "Hello World" program, the output looks like this:

PuTTY Serial Output

VS Code Serial Monitor


Arm CMSIS-DAP debuggers, including the MAXPICO and MAX32xxxx onboard debuggers, use the serial Break to trigger a target reset. Microsoft's Serial Monitor in VS Code sends the Break before connecting to the serial port, which will reset the processor when using these debuggers. JLink debuggers do not experience this behavior. It is recommended to connect to the serial port before starting a debug session, or use an external serial terminal like Minicom or PuTTY.


You will need the Serial Monitor extension for VS Code if not already installed.

  1. Click on Serial Monitor in the toolbar above the terminal.
  2. Set the Monitor Mode to Serial.
  3. Set the Port to the port in use by the hardware.
  4. Set the Baud rate to 115200
  5. Click Start Monitoring. This prints the outputs associated with the source code.


To determine the correct port, view the available ports with the required port disconnected, connect the port and see which value appears in the dropdown list


When using the example "Hello World" program, the output looks like this:

Serial Output Monitor Serial Output Monitor

Linux configuration

On Linux the user may need to be added to the dialout group in order to use your serial ports.

    sudo usermod -aG dialout <username>

RTOS status

When running an RTOS like Zephyr, you can view essential thread information for the RTOS at a breakpoint using the XRTOS tab.


RTOS requirements

Some RTOSes may require changes in order to provide the debug information required by the XRTOS View.

For Zephyr, the following config flags must be enabled in your prj.conf file:

# Enable thread awareness when debugging

Other RTOSes will have their own required config flags. Please consult the relevant documentation for configuration information.


You will need the RTOS Views extension for VS Code if not already installed.